Sunday, July 13, 2014

Welcome to the Jungle!

In the beginning, there was this:
Tree Monster
More overgrown mess
After killing Tree Monster
Every two feet, along the alley side of the property, there are fence posts.  These aren't just regular ol' posts.  We're talking 10 inch diameter, five foot long logs that are concreted a foot and a half into the ground.  This house may look wimpy but it's solid.

Over two full Saturdays with the help of ten people, countless shovels, a few chainsaws and two trucks with several tow chains, we managed to do this:

Wow...there's a house there
Fun stuff for the city to haul off
Still have posts to dig out 
Don't judge our filth...still smiling!

Yard work is hard without a working bathroom--I'm told that peeing behind the dumpster with a lookout is preferred to the gas station's facilities across the street.  Note:  This week Nick and I decided to add a second bathroom to the project list.  More to come on this topic!

Lots of neighbors came by to meet me and they are all thrilled with the progress.  How awesome to have a great community!

I really can't imagine how I thought I'd be able to do any of this alone!  My friends are truly amazing. I didn't capture everyone in one pic, but I want to say thank you.  There isn't any way I know to really show my appreciation.  I will attempt to earn this help with home cooked meals, adult beverages and super fun company (me)!  Just give me a bit to get this place in order.

Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. So much progress is taking place rapidly!! Love it all!! ❤️❤️
