Sunday, July 6, 2014

Absolute Filth

I'm still humbled each time I walk into this house to imagine that someone was living here just a week before my offer was accepted to purchase it.

He was elderly, without children, never married, lost the majority of his eyesight and in the beginning stages of senility.  The house was falling down around him and he never saw it coming.  Tell me that's not heartbreaking.

Now that this is my new home, the sadness is quickly replaced with repulsion.  I recruited two suckers saints with promises of foods and beverages on Saturday.  I supplied gloves, masks, bleach and an unending supply of rags.

Here's what they tackled:

Don't bother rotating this.  It doesn't improve the view.
Even in this filth, she's still beautiful! Did we mention he pooped in that tub???
 We scrubbed and swept for hours and look at this:

Not even scared to open it now!
Even though I consider myself an independent, capable woman, none of this project will be possible without the help and support of my circle of friends and family.  Thank you all who've already helped and those who've pledged themselves soon!

Up next...the jungle...

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