Nick asked when I was cleaning the basement up. Wha?!? That's not YOUR job??? Ugh.
This place is a wreck (but not near as bad as that fridge)!
So we started our day off at Java Brewing Company, followed by a stop at the farmer's market...quinoa stuffed heirloom tomatoes and fresh cayenne peppers are going to be so delish!
Then, off to The Beauty! We scraped and shoveled and swept all morning with great success.

Wheee! We're done! Off to Emser's Tile, per Nick's request...
I picked out wall and floor tile for the new bathroom (different from the first, cuz Nick's a turd).
The Carrara marble floor tile is the biggest they have: 12x24". Nick cannot possibly complain about that, right? The wall tile is still technically a subway, though it's 16x4"...the sterling grout ties the two together. I'll still do the shower floor to match the hall bath floor:
This is the best compromise. Really. It's a nod to the 1920's bungalow style in a modern interpretation. Right? Right! I knew you'd agree! :)
Back to the basement where the Bobcat decided he wanted to attack a crack with hydraulic cement--he's obsessed, but highly successful.
Look at that determination! Don't worry. I walked across the street for cat litter, to soak up the fuel spots, and beer, so I could watch him work, like a real supervisor.
The plumbing inspector comes Monday and the windows (and maybe the kitchen door) will be in Wednesday.
We also made a run to the ReStore for this $17.50, to-be-repurposed, treasure:
Stay tuned for more!
Love the find! Going great!!!