Friday, July 11, 2014

Salvage Says What???

Do you guys shop construction salvage?  I'm talking Craigslist, Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity ReStore, Salvation Army...these places are GOLD MINES for inexpensive, quality, used architectual elements, cabinets, lighting, furniture, you name it!

Here's the poop holder cast iron claw foot tub I'm selling on Craigslist.

Fecal Free $300
I drug two girlfriends to Habitat for Humanity's ReStore on two separate days this week.  I needed two 30 inch matching, 1920's period, doors for my new seven foot closet.  You read right.  Seven glorious feet of floor-to-nine-foot-ceiling, closet.  In my bedroom.  In the Highlands.  Boom.  <insert your extreme jealousy here>

Nick, the contractor, had asked me twice if I'd been by the house yet.  That's so unlike him.  He never gets sups excited or fired up.  Ever.  What's up with that?  Leave me alone, Nick!  I'm TRYING to shop...gah.

After a near death, Highlands driving experience, my friend (remains nameless) and I, in her trusty pickup toted home my new treasures: two doors $25 each...with hardware!

This is why Nick is pseudo-Chrissy excited!!!

Framing for the NEW pantry.  Icky fridge used to be here.
Guest room closet; waaaay bigger than the previous one.

Angelic new bedroom closet & fab doors to boot...he's modifying the opening for the doors, don't be skeerd.
Framing in bathroom.  Look at that chimney!
What a delightful surprise!  Speaking of surprises...I have one for you all!  Check out my post tomorrow.  It may, or may not, also involve fecal matter.

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