You remember THAT
tub, right??? I had the old tub for sale on Craigslist and a local Facebook group sale page and had several opportunities to meet
weirdos interesting people.
Sunday was the best! A friend gifted several day lily and monkey grass plants for the new place from her own garden, so the Bobcat and I spent the morning temporarily planting them. I hope it rains enough to keep them healthy until I can find a more permanent home for them.
While digging in the dirt, another tub-interested party arrived in their big ole' Jeep. They seemed normal. I was skeptical, but paraded them through the house to the tub anyhow. The husband was fascinated with the house and we all know I love a fellow rehab geek! He and I continued to bro out while his wife decided if the tub would work for her.
He called his buddy with a pickup and she asked him to run her to the ATM for the cash I requested. Yes! They were taking it! No more poop tub! What? You'll take the toilet too? Sure, I'll throw it in for free.
This couple was an awesome hoot! He asked if I would take his wife to the ATM while he and Bobcat used his Jeep to pull out a shrub root or two. Uh, yeah. Have at it, dude. I liked this group so much! His buddy and buddy's wife showed up and we all went at loading the tub and toilet in the truck.
We ended up drinking beer on the porch, laughing it up and planning the exterior paint job that his buddy (tub picker upper/professional painter) could do for me. We joked about loading up the girls in the back of the truck in the tub and sending them down the road like that. Then this happened:
Ooooo, gurl! She classy. |
What a sport! She hopped right up there and posed for me. I can't wait to hang out with these guys!
FOLLOW UP: This week,
Nick and I decided to turn this mess...
...into a NEW bathroom! YES! Two bathrooms!!! That door is from the back bedroom and it'll have a full shower, toilet and sink. Perfect!
I plan on keeping that door and frosting the glass for a kitschy retro look. Here's how it looks after
Nick's demo magic:
Look 'ma! I got a straight roof line! |
The footers and foundation should be started Monday. All the plumbing demo is done. Stay tuned for more!