Monday, September 8, 2014

Big Wheel Keep On Turnin'

It's been a busy week! I'm sitting outside the store waiting for the Bobcat to pick me up. We bought two new bicycles and accessories. Yay! Two bikes don't fit into a Camry. Boo!  Bobcat is taking bike #1 home and (hopefully) coming back to get me.  Guess I could trek home if he doesn't show up...

The back bathroom is complete and the front bathroom will be finished as soon as the evil Tile Shop gets my order in.

The driveway was poured this week. It's 10x44 and will fit our cars nicely!

They're supposed to come back today to dig out all the brush and posts. Double yay!

We spent the morning in the laundromat. It was a filthy place that charged $2.50 for cold wash only and another 25¢ per 10 minutes of drying.  After killing our second unsavory bug, I promptly ordered a lovely set of Samsung front loading machines on my iPhone while we waited.  They're scheduled for delivery today. Whew!

The kitchen cabinets have been ordered and the flooring has been delivered too!

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