Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Chicken Dance

I finally got my Kentucky drivers license! Two years isn't too long, right?! Well, Tom's in town for an extended visit and I thought he'd enjoy nothing better than a trip to the DMV to watch me get new tags on my car. Yeah, the state trooper said, "No way, Jose!" to my window tint. What the heck?! Guess I'm keeping Okie tags for longer.

The good news? The kitchen is well underway...

The Bobcat even installed a cat flap for the feline babies this weekend. 

The butcher block countertops are scheduled to go in tomorrow. Love!

They're also making progress with the front bathroom. Grouting tomorrow.

Tom's been a trooper with the construction mess. We learned how to make microwave coffee mug omlettes that are surprisingly good. We also did and "interesting" dance to the bathroom/kitchen to clean and prep a whole chicken for a great crockpot recipe yesterday.  He held the can while walking backwards as I walked and juggled wet chicken bits over the trash bag. 

Dish doing has been fun too...

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